# title/poem-1 HRD YJU NHM MDB RUR YBL U # title/poem-2 NTH UHN LJD RBR JYU DMJ U L # temple-of-time/flying-spike SY HU CB DJ UW LC # temple-of-time/rafters N H D N B D S B L S M L # temple-of-time/exit-dragon/left D L W H D D S R R L M C D Y N M T C S T M S L W C D N H J S H J T Y R D C # temple-of-time/exit-dragon/right W ? D ? D H R R S M ? D ? ? N S R C M R S M L D C W N J H M J H R Y T W C # temple-of-time/outdoor-circles rings read-in-columns DBDLSDDSDBDL BSBMLBBLBSBM // two rings # temple-of-time/door/bottom-left M L S N H D L S D N N D L B S N S N L D B M H B L H M L S B H D L N # temple-of-time/door/bottom-right H S L H D S N S N L H H B H B S N N L M D S H B B S L M D H N # temple-of-time/door/center-top H N N B D L B M # temple-of-time/door/center-bottom D L B M H B N S # temple-of-time/door/top-left DNNNSD NBMLBN BNDSNS MS M // the third "N" in the top row is flipped 180 degrees # temple-of-time/door/top-right H D N N S N S L B M L B D B N L S N M D M # temple-of-time/chamber/poem-1 HLND DLDL LNSS DBDN NMLD DLDL DN HM ND M D M # temple-of-time/chamber/poem-2 DLD MLH HBS HND SND NBN BDH BSB H N H D N B D N H N D H L D D # temple-of-time/chamber/poem-3 DMNH SNDN NSHD MHBH BDNL HMDN NH BN HB D # temple-of-time/pillar H N D B L S M # temple-of-time/base-pillar-1 H N D # temple-of-time/base-pillar-2 B S L M # sky-islands/spinner H N D B S # sky-islands/launcher HB NS DL BH SN LD MB # sky-islands/float-spike R S N U # shrines/entrance-pillar J N D B S L M # shrines/inner-chamber-pillar H N D B S L M // repeats # shrines/locked-door L S W Y # shrines/breakable-pillar M W R Y # shrines/gear rings read-in-columns S H S H W J J W W J J W L Y L Y S H S H // a strange arrangement of "HJLSW"? //# shrines/voice/you-who-offers //TCJWTRCJR //# shrines/voice/reward/visitor-to //NUYBCMYSY //# shrines/voice/reward/you-have-done-well //SMTNBLNUT # shrines/portal ring read-clockwise HNJBSLMUWCHNJBSLMUWCDRTY # shrines/dragon D B S L # shrines/stone ring BJHCNDNLUWSMRBJHSMR # shrines/shrine-top J B T # shrines/gate H J L S W Y # shrines/pounding-pillar ring MLSBNTMLSBNT # shrines/ball ring read-clockwise TYHYHNJBSLMUWCDR # shrines/ceiling-hint H J L # refinery/front-pillar D N B H S L M // a very different order from the typical HNDBSLM # refinery/crusher-sides N D B S S L # refinery/top-front S N C U M L # refinery/top-side J D B T U R # refinery/pegs H J L S Y U # equipment/huge-crystalized-charge M J N C H S # equipment/master-sword-fused H D N B S L U W C # equipment/zonaite-longsword U B M # equipment/mighty-zonaite-shield C Y N R W H S U U L # equipment/mighty-zonaite-sword-??? U S W Y # equipment/mighty-zonaite-sword T S M N L R D # devices/water-globule ring ...JHCNDNLUWMRB... // I can't read this well enough # devices/time-bomb D B S L M # devices/shock S Y U # devices/hover-stone/1 M M Y U L R D T # devices/hover-stone/2 M Y T L M D U R # devices/hover-stone/3 R T D M N U R U L W # devices/hover-stone/4 M R D L N U R T W Y M # devices/mirror R M N # devices/frost-emitter L S Y # ring-ruins/nestled excluded YMDLMYCCR UCMJBDTDW BNSBWSHJR YJWNRTNWU RBMTSHLUS UNHLCLDHJ # ring-ruins/southern excluded SWTWMBRSS DMSJDJUTU NTWBRCBRS HCHYYDMWR DMNCCHLHU LNYLNUJBJ # ring-ruins/eastern excluded BHNNUNBCB CLDJWYUYN TSTDSUJTR BHDLUMMLH WJLMRCJRM HSRWDWYCS # ring-ruins/large excluded NWHWTWTBR RJMMJCHRM LNWUSDUBT MJLCWBNMD DCHMYDBSC YTSNMLJCY # ring-ruins/floating BTBBUJDRU JRYULURSJ UNDHDBTNM DLCDHSYBW MMUNWLBSY SULCLMSUD // The structure of this one seems to be fairly different? // The letter distribution is much less uniform, and the spacing of the letters // is extremely unevent. # devices/shrine-sunlight B U W # devices/fan L S Y U # devices/electricity-producer B S L M # devices/cannon/side S J L S # devices/cannon/inside L S # devices/balloon M U W # devices/balloon-basket J B S L M ? # devices/spring L S W # devices/sled H J L S Y U # devices/control-stick H J L S # devices/stabilizer J L S # devices/stake/back ring SLJH # devices/stake/side-1 N U J B C U # devices/stake/side-3 D C U J Y H # devices/stake/side-2 T S Y H D C # devices/stake/side-4 Y H D C J N # memories/betrayal D R N M U N # memories/ganon/round-stone ring ...JHDR?MUNDR... # memories/ganon/pillar D R N M U N # devices/flame H J L # devices/beam-emitter J L S # devices/floating-block/1 B R S S N W J C C S L # devices/floating-block/2 L R S T C R Y W T L M Y D W # devices/floating-block/3 S B R S B W J N W J C R C C L N L C # devices/floating-block/4 L R D T W L Y M S C # devices/floating-block/h-1 flow: right-to-left LSCW LSCW YC # devices/floating-block/h-2 flow: left-to-right BT STMN BT STMN # devices/rocket H S Y U # devices/hydrant H J L # devices/rail J W R B M J B R # devices/tank H J L # devices/turret L S # devices/glider H J L S Y # device-dispenser/globe D R T # device-dispenser/chute/1 W D M D W B C R N R C D U H R H H R B C Y C C Y J D W D D W W U M U U M ? ? ? L L ? # mines/pillar-1 N D B S # mines/pillar-2 H N D B # mines/pillar-3 D B S B S L M # lightning-temple/switch-chamber/1 SWH LCN # lightning-temple/switch-chamber/2 SW LC MDJ RB H # lightning-temple/switch-chamber/3 WSJ CLB JDMH BRWS HSCL CLDM # lightning-temple/switch-chamber/4 HWSWSJ NCLCLB MH WS L // These are mostly repetitive, but with small changes in what attaches where. # lighting-temple/secret-stone-pedestal B M # fire-temple/torch-1 C R M # fire-temple/dragon H N D B S L M # fire-temple/torch-2 L S # fire-temple/boss-1 D B S L M # fire-temple/boss-2 N D B S L # fire-temple/gong-1-left M B J R C R M # fire-temple/gong-1-right W B J R C R M # fire-temple/bridge B J R # resurrection/gear-1/center W R U # resurrection/gear-1/inner-ring ring JBSLMUWYDRTYCDRTYHN // this is the same as the Shrine portal # resurrection/gear-1/middle-ring rings // written circularly, // but arrange in short columns of 2 L N S M B T M H W U J Y # resurrection/doorway-1 D B S L S L MH N # resurrection/doorway-2 // this one is cut off, I need to check it S L M N D # resurrection/jump N D B S L M # resurrection/awakening ring HDWCUMNHYTNDHDWCUMNHYTND # prologue/wall H J N S // there might be more above or below but it's hard to see # prologue/torch-1 H S N S # prologue/torch-2 H J N S # prologue/fallen-pillar LBH NSD HMN BSB NLN DSM B H S # prologue/zonai-statue T J B S L # prologue/stair-engraving H J N S W Y # prologue/seal-pillar C W U W S R R D D W C // The left side is broken # labrynth/north/ground-stone BUJ ULU HDB DHS NWL CLM # forgotten-temple/ground-or-pillar D R N M U N # forgotten-temple/memory-door DLS BMS HBL NSH // visible in the memory where the sages receive the secret stones # forgotten-temple/door/bottom-left L NHD SDN DLB NSN DBM BLH L S H D N # forgotten-temple/door/bottom-right SLH SNS LHH HBS NL DS BB LM H # forgotten-temple/door/top-right DHSBL SNNMN MLLDM HDMNB SLNMS DBBLL N S M D # forgotten-temple/door/top-left HNHML DSSLS NHBHN LSNMD NNLSN BMSBS ND N MS M // The "N" is flipped upside down on the 3 column from thel left // Like the temple of time, these are only using a // small subset of the alphabet... # zonai/countdown ring //5+3246978+ ..LCSNHMJBUW........ // It vanishes from the left ("L") side, // with "W" being the last symbol to remain. // alphabetical order: // aehikmnorstuwy // 50 sounds order: // a(eiou?)kstnhmyrw # kakariko-research/analyzed-text M N D S U J R L W B Y M S T U H W // there are some details circled about some of the letters, // but I think it's probably just decorative # kakariko-research/tablet-notes BN MS TL WD RH CY UJ # kakariko-research/ring-ruin-drawing HTUY ?BCN # zonaite-forge-island/door L S N R D H N L S N R D C S B C D M # constructor-factory/part-holder J S N R D H N C S B C D M # construct-factory/robot-holder H N D B S L N D B S L M # construct-factory/map H H B N N S J J L B B M S U L W M D C U R D W C C // it is highly repetitive, so I only included each string once. # depths/ceiling-ascend-circle Y H U N D # depths/behind-chest S N J R Y // I have only found this in one place, normally it has the Zonai crest instead. // at the end of the length of water in the passageway in the southwest # water-temple/behind-faucet L M B S D H N // This is interesting! // It's the standard HNDBSLM but with chunks of letters flipped! # water-temple/pipe W Y M J C D # faron/wall NJBHNJBHNJBHNJBHN ?MUSLMUS?MUS?MUSL HNWCDNW D L HNWC L YR ? R M L Y C W D C T // The letters are much smaller, bolder, and more faded than they // usually are, so I cannot make out a lot of them. # faron/lightning-rod/back D J W H U J D # faron/lightning-rod/front B H W N C J D # dragonhead-island/left-dragon-statue/bottom-jaw L M D R C Y W B Y D U N H // Note that the text orientation flips after the second "Y" as // it twists around. # dragonhead-island/left-dragon-statue/top-jaw Y N H U R L S C U N J M H U S L Y // Note that the text direction flips in the middle // between HU and again between LC. # dragonhead-island/left-dragon-statue/scales J M C S D B C C U Y Y L L C C Y N S R C M R S M L D C W N J H M J H R Y T W C W L # dragonhead-island/right-dragon-statue/top-jaw R H B M Y S U D M H N L B M U S D R // flips between BM # dragonhead-island/right-dragon-statue/bottom-jaw S L C Y D R B J R C M H B // flips between RC # dragonhead-island/right-dragon-statue/scales B W L D U D D H R R S M L D C Y N S R C M R S M L D C W N J H M J H R Y T W C W M # dragonhead-island/door ring MNTRJH RJMDTCWHMBUM? LMUB?HWCTDMJR HJRTNM # dragonhead-island/mask-receptacle L M U W # dragonhead-island/mask-elevator J M M L J M J L J L M L J M N L N H S L S M S J S M N L # memories/spirit-sage/mineru-chair T MNDS J UJRL B WBYM S STU L HW // This is very incomplete!