This website is a collection of samples and notes on the use of the Zonai writing system in Tears of the Kingdom.
The game has many signs written in fictional alphabets: Gerudo, Hylian, and Sheikah. These are all known to be substitutions for the English alphabet, and were seen in Breath of the Wild.
Tears of the Kingdom introduces a new script for the Zonai (ゾナウ) people.
The text is usually written in vertical columns, but is sometimes written in rings. Less commonly, it is written in rows (often in rings wrapping around a column or ball).
I suspect that circular text is not written in a consistent direction, and I
have annotated each sample with the direction I think it might be read in.
If you read it clockwise, you get HSLJ.
If you read it counter-clockwise, you get HJLS.
Now consider some of the other zonai devices:
These all have the same string HJL(S), which matches
the counter-clockwise reading.
However, other circular writing, like that in the portals in front of
shrines, appears to be the opposite:
Read clockwise, it almost matches the vertical text found in the pillars
surrounding the inner chamber within a shrine of light
Analysis of Circular Writing Direction
For example, consider the circular writing on the back of the Zonai stake:
The text has a visual similarity to CJK logographs, especially oracle bone script / small seal script.
Zonai | Small Seal Script | Modern |
W | ![]() | 笑 |
M | ![]() | 京 |
The game uses a handful of other symbols in the Zonai "language", such as those associated with the summonable champions, but they don't appear in larger passages. These are explicitly Japanese kanji. For example, the Fire Sage symbol is a variant of "炎", meaning "flames".
Previous installments in the Zelda franchise have created Hylian scripts which were simple ciphers for English or Japanese text. Recent games (including Breath of the Wild's Sheikah script) have been English ciphers (although some text was written in romanized Japanese using the English alphabet), but several factors point to this script rather being a cipher for Japanese:
The text in the game is frequently reused in many different places. More interestingly, sometimes text has some slight variations to it.
For example, the string HNDBSLM appears in many places, notably on the columns surrounding the door to the inner chamber of a Shrine of Line.
This string also appears written bottom to top in the Water Temple, on the main pipes that dump water. However, of note, it is not a simple reversal, but a reversal in chunks of one or two letters:
Shrine of Light | Water Temple | ||||||||||||||||
H | (1) | L | (4) | ||||||||||||||
N | M
| (2)
| B
| (3)
| B
| (3)
| S
| S
| D
| (2)
| L
| (4)
| H
| (1)
| M
| N
| |
This suggests some kind of grouping of the characters. If they encode romaji, possibly at the mora or kana level.
A similar, though quite different, kind of repetition with reversals can be found on the door exiting the Temple of Time.
Here, chunks of 1, 2, or 3 letters are reversed, or occassionally one letter is replaced.
Left Door | Right Door | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
N | (1) | N | (1) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M | (2L) | S | (2R) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
T | R
| C
| S
| M
| T
| R
| M
| (3)
| S
| (3')
| S
| M
| L
| (4)
| L
| (4)
| W
| (5)
| D
| (5')
| C
| C
| D
| W
| N
| (6)
| N
| (6)
| H
| (7)
| J
| (7')
| J
| H
| S
| (8L)
| M
| (8R)
| H
| (9)
| J
| (9')
| J
| H
| T
| (10)
| R
| (10')
| Y
| Y
| R
| T
| D
| (11L)
| W
| (11R)
| C
| (12)
| C
| (12)
| |
There is a pattern which appears in many Zonai ruins throughout the world that looks something like this:
Although it often appears near Zonai text and looks like letters, this is not text. Every occurrence of it is exactly the same decorative sequence.
The tablets in the Ring Ruins are large corpuses of Zonai text. Unfortunately, they appear to be completely random: the distribution of letters is as-uniform-as-possible.
Therefore, it's not really possible that they form a substitution cipher for any language. I think it's best to ignore their contents until other samples are understood.
However, the structure of the Floating Ring Ruin is different. The letters aren't uniformly distributed, and the columns are spaced oddly.
When a Shrine of Light "speaks" to Link, words appear on screen, with ghostly Zonai letters appearing behind them.
Those letters are randomly generated. They are not consistent between different players visiting the same shrines, and they are not consistent between shrines.
Many, many examples of Zonai text use only 7 of the 14 letters.
For example, the text that appears on the doors and walls of the Temple of Time and the Forgotten Temple use only BDHLMNS (they never use CJRTUWY).
This might suggest that these samples do not mean anything.
Some of the "letters" appear much more than others:
Some combinations of letters appear much more frequently.
There is not a clear resemblance to romaji's bigram frequencies, but because there is so little sample data, and it likely contains many transcription errors or oddities, it is hard to compare.
A less plausible explanation may be that the text is not an alphabet,
but an abjad; there
are also 14 consonants in Japanese:
(K, G; S, Z; T, D; H, B, P; R, M, N, Y, W).
However, this would be nearly unreadable, so I don't suspect this is
the case. Many grammatical functions are indicated solely using vowels,
which makes this a terribly unclear way to write Japanese.
I do think that some of the text in the game is nonsense; in particular, the stone tablets in the Ring Ruins should be a trove of Zonai text, since each tablet contains 54 letters.
However, the letter distribution in them is as-uniform-as-possible, which makes me think they are random rather than actual text. It's possible that other garbage samples exist in the game, but since many of them are so short, it is hard to separate them.
You can find the raw source of the text files for this page at samples.txt.
You can contribute to the GitHub repository here.
B | B |
C | C |
D | D |
H | H |
J | J |
L | L |
M | M |
N | N |
R | R |
S | S |
T | T |
U | U |
W | W |
Y | Y |
Japanese is normally written using two kinds of characters:
I see no practical way to encode kanji using only 14 letters, so I presume any cipher is purely phonetic.
Japanese can be "spelled" using these 50 kana. Below is a sample of Japanese text taken from the Nintendo website, and its conversion to kana.
城は宙へと浮かび上がり、空から謎の遺跡が降り注ぐ。 ハイラルは突如として、”天変地異”に見舞われた。 主人公リンクは、果てなき冒険に再び身を投じる。
かつてハイラルを救った勇者。 右手の力を駆使して、ハイラルの異変に立ち向かう。
聡明で好奇心旺盛なハイラル王国の姫君。 ハイラルを襲う天変地異に巻き込まれてしまう。
女性ばかりのゲルド族において、 百年に一度だけ生まれる男として生を受ける。 ハイラルを襲った天変地異と何か関係があるようだが・・・
しろはちゅうへとうかびあがり、そらからなぞのいせきがふりそそぐ。 ハイラルはとつじょとして、”てんぺんちい”にみまわれた。 しゅじんこうリンクは、はてなきぼうけんにふたたびみをとうじる。
かつてハイラルをすくったゆうしゃ。 みぎてのちからをくしして、ハイラルのいへんにたちむかう。
そうめいでこうきしんおうせいなハイラルおうこくのひめぎみ。 ハイラルをおそうてんぺんちいにまきこまれてしまう。
じょせいばかりのゲルドぞくにおいて、 ひゃくねんにいちどだけうまれるおとことしてせいをうける。 ハイラルをおそったてんぺんちいとなにかかんけいがあるようだが・・・
Because there are only 14 zonai symbols, they could not possibly encode the 50 kana, like what was done in the Ocarina of Time script.
Instead, I suspect the Zonai script is more likely based on a proper alphabet, such as the transliteration of Japanese into the Latin alphabet.
There are several ways to transliterate Japanese text into the Latin alphabet (referred to as "romaji", for Roman-characters). Here are the choices I made for the below transliteration:
siro ha tyuu he to ukabiagari, sora kara nazo no iseki ga hurisosogu. hairaru ha totujo tosite, tenpentii ni mimawareta. syujinkou rinku ha, hatenaki bouken ni hutatabi mi wo toujiru.
katute hairaru wo sukutta yuusya. migite no tikara wo kusisite, hairaru no ihen ni tatimukau.
soumei de koukisin ousei na hairaru oukoku no himegimi. hairaru wo soutenpentii ni makikomaretesimau.
josei bakari no gerudozoku nioite, hyakunen ni itido dake umareru otokotosite sei wo ukeru. hairaru wo osotta tenpentii to nanika kankei ga aru you daga.
However, many of these features do not appear to be used by Zonai text.
Below is the result of these operations. This text is what is used to generate the unigram and bigram tables for Japanese romaji above.